HR Solutions for Today’s Business Environments



Delegation Techniques - Learn how to delegate, to whom to delegate and how to evaluate and recognize performance.

Effective Communication - Learn how to listen, how to solicit engagement and how to use effective communication techniques.

Effective Decision Making Strategies - Learn to make better decisions, even under pressure. The importance of making good, sound decisions and the impact they may have on people and operations.

Manage Challenging Employees - Learn how to recognize causes of conflict, how to facilitate resolution and how to manage the work relationships once the conflict has been resolved.

Measuring Job Performance - Learn to design, develop and set in place measurement tools to align employee behavior with organizational goals.

Negotiation Skills for Supervisors - Identify the purpose of negotiation and essential negotiation skills. Gain effective techniques for reaching mutual agreement.

New Supervisors Effective Supervision - Learn the supervisory skills required to lead, manage, promote performance and achieve organizational goals and objectives through employees.

Performance Appraisals - Understand the importance of conducting employee performance appraisals on a continuous basis. Learn how to design and properly conduct an appraisal of performance.

Performance Goals - Understand the importance of setting, selecting, monitoring and incorporating goals into the employee performance appraisal process.

Problem Solving - Learn the key steps needed to become an effective problem solver. Understand your role and the importance of it in workplace problem resolution.
Professional Behavior - Gain understanding of courteous and respectful conduct towards others and the positive affects it will have on productivity and effectiveness.

Compliance for Supervisors - Not every law applies to every business, we focus on only the laws that apply to your business type, size and culture.

Behavioral Interviewing - Learn how to go beyond KSA's (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) and assess how the interviewee acted in specific employment-related situations.

Partners in Productivity - Learn how to understand workforce diversity and improve employee engagement and communication.